Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kutai kingdom

Kutai Martadipura is patterned Hindu kingdom in the archipelago which has the oldest historical evidence. The kingdom was located in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, precisely in the Mahakam river upstream. Kutai name given by experts to take from place names found inscriptions indicating the existence of the kingdom. There are no inscriptions that clearly mentions the name of this kingdom, and indeed very little information can be obtained.
  • the names of King Kutai
  1. Maharaja Kundungga, gelar anumerta Dewawarman
  2. Maharaja Asmawarman (anak Kundungga)
  3. Maharaja Mulawarman
  4. Maharaja Marawijaya Warman
  5. Maharaja Gajayana Warman
  6. Maharaja Tungga Warman
  7. Maharaja Jayanaga Warman
  8. Maharaja Nalasinga Warman
  9. Maharaja Nala Parana Tungga
  10. Maharaja Gadingga Warman Dewa
  11. Maharaja Indra Warman Dewa
  12. Maharaja Sangga Warman Dewa
  13. Maharaja Candrawarman
  14. Maharaja Sri Langka Dewa
  15. Maharaja Guna Parana Dewa
  16. Maharaja Wijaya Warman
  17. Maharaja Sri Aji Dewa
  18. Maharaja Mulia Putera
  19. Maharaja Nala Pandita
  20. Maharaja Indra Paruta Dewa
  21. Maharaja Dharma Setia
Name Maharaja Kundungga interpreted by historians as the original name of Indonesia, which has not been affected by the name of culture India.Sementara son named Asmawarman alleged to have affected the culture of Hindu.Hal this one is based on the fact that the word comes from the language Sangsekerta Warman. The word is usually used to ahkiran the names of people or southern Indian population.

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