Friday, January 28, 2011

Banten Kingdom

Banten Kingdom
Initially Banten is one of the port of Sunda kingdom. This port was taken in 1525 by a combination of army Demak and Cirebon. Once this area was conquered pre-Islamic heritage by Sunan Gunung Jati. Ports are also controlled by other Sunda is Sunda Kelapa Demak, Demak dominated 1527, and renamed as the White Rose.
Political Life
The development of the kingdom of Banten is inseparable from the role of the kings who reigned in the kingdom. To solidify your understanding of the kings who ruled in Banten, check out the genealogy of the kings of the following Banten.

Genealogy of the Kings until the Sultan Agung Banten Tirtayasa

- Sultan hasanuddin (1552 - 1570)
- Maulana yusuf (1570 - 1580)
- Maulana muhammad (1580 - 1596)
- Sultan abulmufaki (1596 - 1640)
- Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (1651 - 1672)
After you listen to the genealogy of the kings of Banten, which you need to know that in its political development, in addition to Banten seeking to escape the power of Demak, Banten is also trying to expand his territory among others Pajajaran. With Pajajaran mastered, then the entire region of West Java under the authority of Banten. This happened in the reign of King Panembahan Joseph.
In the reign of Maulana Muhammad, extension forwarded to Sumatra, Banten region that is trying to master the areas that generate a lot of pepper, such as Lampung, Bengkulu and Palembang. Lampung and Bengkulu Banten can be mastered but Kilkenny have failed, even Maulana Muhammad died during the attack on the Palembang.
By mastering important ports in West Java and several regions in Sumatera, Banten increasingly crowded then the kingdom to trade, even developing a maritime empire. This happened in the reign of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Reign of Sultan Ageng, Banten Banten golden peaked a trading center that was visited by various nations such as Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Portuguese and even Dutch.
The Dutch at first came to Indonesia, in Banten landed in 1596 but due to arrogance, then the Dutch merchants could be expelled from the Banten and settled in White Rose.
At the White Rose, The Netherlands established trading partnership in 1602. Of course the trade name of partnership, not something foreign to you, for that write the names of the trade partnership in the Indonesian language at points below.
You ask the teacher coached you, then you can refer to the following description of the material.
In addition to establishing VOC fort in the White Rose finally settled and changed the name of Jayakarta into Batavia in 1619, so the position of the VOC in Batavia stronger. The existence of Dutch power in Batavia, Banten became rivals for the trade. Competition is then transformed into political opposition, so the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa very anti to the VOC. In order to face the Dutch / VOC, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa ordered a guerrilla war and robbery against the Dutch in Batavia. As a result of such action, the Netherlands became overwhelmed by the Banten. To deal with the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa action, the Dutch political race-sheep (Divide et impera) between Sultan Ageng with her son namely Sultan Haji. As a result of the political fights of the flock, the civil war in Banten, so the Dutch can intervene in the civil war. The Netherlands sided with Sultan Haji, who eventually civil war was won by the Sultan Haji. With the victory of Haji Sultan, the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa captured and imprisoned in Batavia until his death in 1692. The impact of VOC help against the Sultan of Banten Haji then have to pay expensive, in which the Sultan Haji must sign an agreement with the VOC in 1684. The agreement is very burdensome and detrimental to the kingdom of Banten, Banten, loss of control so that its free trade, because the Dutch had monopolized trade in Banten. The greatest result was the destruction of the kingdom of Banten itself because VOC / Dutch regulate and control the power of the king of Banten. Kings Banten since then functioning as a doll.
Thus the description of material about the political life of the kingdom of Banten. From the description, do you understand? If you already know, check out the description of matter further.
Banten Kingdom
Initially Banten is one of the port of Sunda kingdom. This port was taken in 1525 by a combination of army Demak and Cirebon. Once this area was conquered pre-Islamic heritage by Sunan Gunung Jati. Ports are also controlled by other Sunda is Sunda Kelapa Demak, Demak dominated 1527, and renamed as the White Rose.
Political Life
The development of the kingdom of Banten is inseparable from the role of the kings who reigned in the kingdom. To solidify your understanding of the kings who ruled in Banten, check out the genealogy of the kings of the following Banten.
Genealogy of the Kings until the Sultan Agung Banten Tirtayasa

After you listen to the genealogy of the kings of Banten, which you need to know that in its political development, in addition to Banten seeking to escape the power of Demak, Banten is also trying to expand his territory among others Pajajaran. With Pajajaran mastered, then the entire region of West Java under the authority of Banten. This happened in the reign of King Panembahan Joseph.
In the reign of Maulana Muhammad, extension forwarded to Sumatra, Banten region that is trying to master the areas that generate a lot of pepper, such as Lampung, Bengkulu and Palembang. Lampung and Bengkulu Banten can be mastered but Kilkenny have failed, even Maulana Muhammad died during the attack on the Palembang.
By mastering important ports in West Java and several regions in Sumatera, Banten increasingly crowded then the kingdom to trade, even developing a maritime empire. This happened in the reign of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Reign of Sultan Ageng, Banten Banten golden peaked a trading center that was visited by various nations such as Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Portuguese and even Dutch.
The Dutch at first came to Indonesia, in Banten landed in 1596 but due to arrogance, then the Dutch merchants could be expelled from Banten and settled in White Rose.
At the White Rose, The Netherlands established trading partnership in 1602. Of course the trade name of partnership, not something foreign to you, for that write the names of the trade partnership in the Indonesian language at points below.

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